Thursday, December 27, 2012

12 Steps to Goal Setting

Answer the following questions/steps and you will be well on your way to achieving  your goals.

Do this for every goal you have.  
  • Be realistic.
  • Limit the number of Active goals (write all goals down, classify what is now vs. someday maybe)
  • Prioritize your goals.  Your Tasks will also prioritize accordingly.
Goal Setting:
  1. Clearly Define the GOAL (What is your success statement?)
  2. Why is this goal meaningful (Purpose)?
  3. When will this be accomplished? Set a Deadline!
  4. What are my action steps? - yes define them. List the everything that you need to do to make this goal a reality.
  5. Who is involved? - Understand your resource requirements.  Who do you need to work with to accomplish your goals.
  6. Who will hold me accountable? Share your goal with them, as well as the expectations and milestones.
  7. How will I define Success?
  8. What Tools Do I need? Define "things" you will need to accomplish this goal.  This goes along with the resources required.
  9. When? Set a TimeLine
    •   Start Date
    •   How Many Hours of focus per week?
    •   Add to my Time Budget
    •   Under What circumstances beyond completion will I stop?
  10. What Milestones?
    •   Chart your progress (set your milestones and understand the time frames you expect to achieve them)
    •   Weekly review
      • Progress notes weekly
      • Review your Action List and assess new and validity of old
  11. How will I reward myself for completion?  This goes beyond your purpose, and applies some basic risk reward definitions.  If the goal is a big one, what is your reward?
  12. What is One Step I can Take in The Next Five Days to initiate This Goal?