Wednesday, October 21, 2009

SMS posting for a Blog is really too limited...

I published my first post (below) and found that it is treated more like a tweet than content that will be meaningful. I'm sure there is a place for this.. But I will have to find it. Currently the sms post got split up to two blog posts. Yuck! Plus, if you have more than one Blog, it appears that I can only post to one Blog with the phone, so I will have to be selective which Blog I assign to the phone. I could see using this as a step by step or some sort of follow me process that is going to represent the blog title, but then why have the blog. That's what Twitter is for right? I had imagined that I would be able to do process documentation while the process was going on.. and I didn't have internet or computer access. Breaking up the SMS really hinders the flow. I'm a little disappointed in the SMS performance, if you can't tell.... I won't write it off.. My creative side just doesn't see a use ... Yet! If you know of some settings that I am not using properly, Please respond to this post and correct me!

Till Next Time...

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