Thursday, April 29, 2010

How Review time affects your mood!

Do you feel like some days you're in a great mood and others you frustrated, or you feel like nothing is getting done?

Well, I have a suggestion for you, and ask that you make sure that you are doing reviews. In my time management work sessions, I always state that part of your time scheduling should include review time. It is very important. Having review times accomplishes a couple of things for you.

  1. It shows you that you can accomplish tasks even though you may not enjoy doing them. However, they move you toward your goals and that in and of itself gives you a great amount of pleasure from the knowledge that you're moving toward your goals.  So in turn, you will be in a good mood.  Moving forward is always a positive thing. It certainly beats moving sideways, not at all, or worse yet, backwards.
  2. The second thing that reviews do are they keep you on track. They make sure that the tasks that are still open match the direction that you're trying to move in.  You will also shed some light on tasks that might not apply to your current goals. Therefore, you should delete them and remove them from your vision and goal sets as it is just wasting your time.

So in closing, make sure that you review every day just five minutes of your time in its can help you be in a great mood.

Have a great day and until next time...

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